Letter from the Director: Modified Hours Pilot

At the Lake Bluff Public Library Board meeting held Tuesday, June 18, Library Trustees discussed and voted to extend the existing Hours Pilot and modify the schedule of building hours. Here is an overview of that change, which will take effect Monday, July 1 and last until Monday, September 30, 2024. Review the Library's Hours Pilot FAQ page for more information. 


Library Hours 

Modified Pilot Effective July 1 through September 30, 2024

  • Mondays 10-6 pm; no change
  • Tuesdays 10-6 pm; previously open until 9 pm
  • Wednesdays 10-6 pm; no change
  • Thursdays 10-8 pm; previously open until 9 pm
  • Fridays 10-5 pm; no change
  • Saturdays 10-5 pm; no change
  • Sundays CLOSED; no change


This was a very difficult decision for the Library to make, as the Board and I would like to focus on increasing utilization of Library services in-building. However, based on very low building usage in the evenings and continued staffing challenges experienced during the original 6-month pilot, the Board voted to adjust hours of operation in accordance with usage data and extend the pilot for another three months. 

The proposal considered by the Board to further reduce operating hours was informed by 6 months of data; quantitative and qualitative monthly reports presented at Board meetings; patron comments; building traffic statistics; an Hours Pilot Survey; quantifying available staffing hours; and more. Specifically, usage data indicated a lower average visitor count on Tuesday and Thursday evenings compared with Monday and Wednesday afternoons. The Library continues to work towards sustainable and effective solutions for operations, so that the Library can be good stewards of the public funding it receives. In discussing this topic during the June Board meeting, one of the data points I shared with the Trustees was the high rate of turnover the Library has experienced in the last year, which has put a strain on operations and quality of service. As a result, the goal of this modified pilot is to work towards regaining operational stability to support the Library.

What the Board and I heard loud and clear from patrons during the pilot was that Lake Bluff wants the return of Sunday and evening hours to support working families that are unable to visit weekdays. Even though this newly modified schedule of hours does not yet address this directly, the Board and I want the community to know we are actively exploring pathways to be responsive to this feedback and add hours back to the Library’s schedule, with the hope that operational improvements can be made before the end of 2024. In order to make that happen, the Board will have some difficult financial decisions to make. 

Here’s a financial snapshot of Lake Bluff Library. The Library makes up the smallest percentage of Lake Bluff residents’ tax bills, receiving approximately 2% of property tax revenue compared to other tax-funded institutions in Lake Bluff. Unlike other tax-funded Lake Bluff institutions, the Library does not have many sources of funding. Without additional sources of revenue, Lake Bluff Library’s budget, 93.5% of which comes from property taxes, is tightly managed. The Friends of the Library, grants, and donations provide the remaining 6.5% of our approximately $1.1 million annual budget. Unlike other municipalities like the Village of Lake Bluff and Lake Bluff Park District, Lake Bluff Library does not have a Capital Fund to cover expected and unexpected building projects. That said, the Library successfully reduced operational costs and increased the Library’s fund balance, with a gain of over $70,000 in Fiscal Year 2022-2023. When budgeting for FY24-25, the Library found additional savings of approximately $60,000, reducing operational costs further to address rising costs of goods, services and personnel. 

I would like to acknowledge the seven Lake Bluff Public Library Board of Trustees who volunteer their time and dedication to serving the Library and the Lake Bluff community. They had a difficult decision to make at the June Board meeting and will have challenging decisions ahead to ensure the sustainability of the Library. Library Trustees play a unique advocacy role as elected officials trying to balance competing needs of their communities, while knowing that libraries do not have many opportunities to increase revenue. While Library Directors manage day-to-day operations, Trustees are tasked with governance. Even though Library Trustees do not manage daily operations, they remain accountable to their neighbors and local residents for decisions that affect operations in the communities in which they reside. I am grateful for their public service. I am also confident the Board’s decision to modify the pilot hours will help the organization stabilize in the short term, so that Lake Bluff Library can better serve the needs of the Lake Bluff long term.

Thank you to the community for your valuable feedback and outpouring of support during the Hours Pilot. It’s clear that Lake Bluff residents value reading, learning, literacy and access to their local library. Stay tuned for more updates from the Library to learn how the Library Board is working to strengthen our beloved organization. 

I hope you will continue to make your voice heard about Lake Bluff Library and its place in Lake Bluff. Attend a Board Meeting and participate in public comment, or email me directly.

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