Planning for the Future of the Library: Letter from the Director
One of the primary responsibilities of Lake Bluff Library’s elected Board of Trustees is to ensure the sustainability of the Library, so the organization has a place in the future of Lake Bluff. To that end, earlier this year, the Board and I met for our first professional retreat together to discuss the Library’s current financial standing.
During this retreat, the Board and I learned about funding opportunities that are available for public libraries. We also discussed short and long-term goals to help address significant financial and facility-related needs of our Library. For example, neighboring public libraries who do not have capital reserve funds, such as Deerfield, Lake Forest, and North Chicago, carry fund balances of as much as 140% or higher of their annual expenditures. With a fiscal year-end fund balance of just 41% of expenditures, our Library’s fund balance falls to as little as 25% at its low point, which is similar to Highwood Public Library. The Board also discussed facility needs and how they relate to its financial standing. I encourage community members to watch the recording of the February 2024 Library Board Meeting, in particular, which features a presentation of two critical building reports: Building Systems and Site Report and the Library Accessibility Report.
As a result of the retreat, the Library Board identified several next steps:
- Develop a Master Plan inclusive of building, facility, and technology needs
- Create a three-tiered financial projection analysis that encompasses capital and operational costs
- Develop a community engagement plan to expand understanding of the state of the Library with the Lake Bluff community
To keep this work moving forward, at the March 2024 Board Meeting, the Library Board unanimously approved a proposal from Engberg Anderson Architects to develop a Strategic Facility Master Plan. The scope of work includes assessment of the physical character of the Library’s building and grounds, as well as engagement with residents to ensure these spaces address the current and future needs of the Lake Bluff Library community. The goal is for the Board and the community to develop an in-depth understanding of how well the Library meets the current needs of patrons and plan for the future. This process also aims to quantify short-term and long-term financial costs of addressing building code violations, asbestos abatement, and replacement of critical building systems.
Lake Bluff Library exists because of the support of the Lake Bluff community. The Board and I are committed to being transparent and inclusive, involving stakeholders throughout the process, and representing the community’s priorities. We hope that library users and non-users alike will collaborate with us in this planning. In our forthcoming Summer 2024 print newsletter scheduled to arrive at 60044 residences the first week of June, learn how you can participate in focus groups, community open houses, and an online survey to share your feedback.
The Library Board and I look forward to your engagement in this process and thank you for your help ensuring the future of Lake Bluff Public Library is bright!
Renee Grassi, Library Director
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