Curbside Pickup: Instructions, Information, and More

Curbside Pickup is sponsored by the Friends of the Lake Bluff Public Library.

What is Curbside Pickup and how doesit work?

In short: you put items on hold, we’ll contact you to schedule an appointment, and you’ll pick up your items at a designated pickup point outside the Library. More detailed instructions can be found on our Curbside Pickup page.

I have items checked out from before you closed—can I return them?

We are accepting returns on a limited basis. Take a look at our returns announcement for more information.

Coming Soon: Autorenewal

This isn’t exactly the way we envisioned making this announcement when our Board approved this exciting policy change a few months ago, but effective June 15, the Lake Bluff Public Library will be implementing autorenewal. This means that going forward, the system will automatically renew any eligible items before they become overdue. If an item can’t be renewed—if there’s a hold, if you’ve renewed it 3 times already, or if it’s a special loan like a Trending Title or ILL—the system will send you an alert. We hope that this change will make using the Library even easier and more convenient for you!